Re: NANFA-- Fresh water shrimp??
Sun, 9 Apr 2000 09:21:16 EDT

In a message dated 04/09/2000 12:49:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Anyhow, I saw some red 'bugs' in
the water with the 'normal' green daphnia These little red critters were
about 3/16" long, had antanae that were as long as their bodies, had a
rudder about midway down their carapace, had a shrimp-like abdomen/tail fan,
but looked as though they motored around with those antanae. >>

Around here a very large, red copepod shows up about the same time as fairy
shrimp in temporary pools. I'd guess this is the same thing. Sorry, I don't
recall the name.


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