Education of the public, not prohibition is the best solution to this
The danger with banning this species - then why not ban all turtles? There
many responsible people who keep red-ears - should they have to give up their
animals just because someone else got an itch and moved to impose a blanket
prohibition - you know that Big Government "One Size Fits All" approach to
problem solving. Like the NYC Iguana ban.
The sale of captive breed individuals has almost stopped the sale of wild
caught snakes, not to mention resulted in color phases of snakes that can
only be described as wild! Promoting the sale of captive breed turtles would
go along way to protect wild populations since captive breed are a more
reliable and healthier source of turtles. Also small turtles are better to
start with than large turtles that are almost always wild caught. Do away
with the 4" law and make sure turtles are sold with sound captive care
information and require that all turtles sold be captive breed would be the
right thing to do,
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