Re: NANFA-- FW: larval bluegill survival (fwd)

Bruce Stallsmith (
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 20:28:51 EDT

I replied to her and told her of my experiences with bluegill and
pumpkinseed larvae -- I fed them greenwater/LiquiFry for about a week or
two, then freshly hatched brine shrimp nauplii. I have an untested theory
that sunfish larva wouldn't be able to handle and process marine rotifer
species, even though the rotifers are themsevles very small. I think B.S.
nauplii are less kinetic, easier to handle and process, and the protistans
in greenwater are easier still for the most part. But to quote Wright
Huntley, YMMV.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

>From: "R. W. Wolff" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- FW: larval bluegill survival (fwd)
>Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 18:36:52 -0700
>Any answers to this please post to the list, as this seems to be a similar
>problem I am having with orange spotted fry. I do not have this problem
>with dollar, bantam, green, warmouth, and longear sunfish I have spawned.
>This is also interesting since I have read that orange spotteds closest
>relative may be the bluegill.
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