NANFA-- earthworms squiggle
Fri, 28 Apr 2000 18:14:15 EDT
its hard to beat red wigglers. readidly available at a bait shop. dont try
night crawlers... too big! i raise my own wigglers in a compost bin of egg
shells, newspaper, apple cores and such. no meats or citris. i just tweezer
them out of the mess, rinse them in a cup of water and snip them into
squirming bits. a bit cruel i know. darters cant refuse them. later they will
eat frozen bloodworms, chopped shrimp from the local freezer section, brine
shrimp, white worms, mosquito larva. i wish i could find live blackworms
local but the earthworms work well. i dont worry about cleaning their guts w/
a oat feeding tho. might be better ... and you could add vitamins to the oats
to but too much fuss. the compose bin works great and the worms are very
healthy. never throw in roasted peanut shells tho. any salt will KILL your
worms quick. i had to start the worm bin over last year a few days after the
ballgame :)
feed your upper column fish first w/ flakes saving the worms for later.
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