Re: NANFA-- sunfish/cichlid?
R. W. Wolff (
Sun, 30 Apr 2000 20:31:14 -0700
I find that killifish keepers, and people who keep any natives generally are
very tolerant of other types of fish keeping. They are interested if not in
the fish, then the methods . I don't keep salt water, but find many of the
techniques very interesting and adaptable to my tanks for freshwater. It
could just be the persons I ran into with these snobby attitudes were just
coincidence and that there aren't as many like them out there as it seems to
me. By the way, I do know one African cichlid guy who isn't a fish snob at
all, he is into anything, and especially likes drab , mottled fish. He gets
razzed ( jokingly) from the guys in the killifish club, as when a brown
killi comes up for auction, they always holler to him.
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