>From: "Jay DeLong" <thirdwind_at_att.net>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
>Subject: RE: NANFA-- Native Americans and Darters!
>Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 23:00:08 -0800
> > Native Americans, as most of us know, seemed to have had such a
> > spiritual
> > connection with the land that sustained them. They spent a lot of
> > time near
> > rivers and streams. Their clothing was inspired so much by the natural
> > world surrounding them, and in my opinion, some of the clothing
> > even seems
> > to remind me of the interesting colors and patterns of which
> > many Darters
> > boast on their bodies. Is it possible their is some connection???.....
>I'd say there probably wasn't any connection unless you're thinking of
>something specific. If darters had such an impact on their dress don't you
>think we'd have seen more evidence of darters in their customs and
>religions? (And colorful birds would have been around that water, too, and
>more visible.) :-)
>Jay DeLong
>Olympia, WA
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