Re: NANFA-- OT - dojo loach

Gordon James (
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 08:48:13 -0400

aside from the occasional tetra, they mostly eat flake food, sinking pellets

----- Original Message -----
From: Edward Venn <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- OT - dojo loach

> Gordon,
> What have you been feeding them?!? They can reach 4-6 inches in the wild.
> That is if some channa or bass doesn't get them first.
> >
> >I have 2 dojo loach that are close to 8 inches long.
> >Everything I read says 6 inches.
> >
> >They keep growing.
> >
> >how big do they get in the wild?
> Edward Venn,
> SMG Holdings Co., Ltd.,
> Deux Chateaux Blanc 2-303,
> 1356 Kobuchi, Kasukabe,
> Saitama, Japan

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