Re: NANFA-- Return of the sea monkeys?

Scott Davis (
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 19:58:58 -0600

Rataj, in his book on Aquarium Plants (TFH in the middle 70s), spent a lot
of time describing the various Aponogetons, their beauty and then how
terrifically hard they are to maintain. A reader of his book could
understandably be discouraged from ever trying to raise them. Then Rataj
cheerfully pointed out that crosses of some of those species exhibit a
certain hybrid vigor and make Aponogetons accessible to hobbyists who would
be unable to raise them otherwise.

Could it be heresy on a list where consensus very reasonably would condemn
fish hybridizing to applaud using cultivars and hybrids of Aponogetons? If
the crosses were not available, Aponogetons simply might not be available at
all for aquaria or only available at great price. On the other hand, one
could ask, is there a danger of these bulbs "getting loose" in the US? Is
there a possibility that these bulbs would get back to Madagascar, Sri Lanka
or South East Asia where the originals came from? (Wouldn't have asked these
questions before joining this list.)

At any rate, it is just as important to not release aquarium plants into the
environment as it is not to release captive fishes.

All the best,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Irate_Mormon" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Return of the sea monkeys?

> At 12:16 AM 4/5/02, you wrote:
> >According to the package, it's a hybrid ulvaceus...whatever that is.
> Aponogeton ulvaceous are really nice in their pure (unhybridized) form,
> all I can ever find are the hybrids which are not nearly as nice.
> Prost,
> Martin
> Jackson, MS
> -------------------
> I can't stand cheap people. It makes me real mad when someone says
> something like, "Hey, when are you going to pay me that $100 you owe me?"
> or "Do you have that $50 you borrowed?" Man, quit being so cheap!

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