Re: NANFA-- Return of the sea monkeys?

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sat, 06 Apr 2002 12:58:35 -0500

I dunno, your habitat description for these bulbs (below) describes much of
coastal Alabama as well as up into south Georgia. Never underestimate the
adaptability of plants!

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

> > the other hand, one
> > could ask, is there a danger of these bulbs "getting
> > loose" in the US?
>Unlikely that they will make it along the Gulfcoast
>states. In the natural habitat they live in slow
>flowing, soft acidic waters. This kind of habitat is
>not very common around here. BUT who knows they may
>like better the FL swamps!
>sorin damian
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