Re: NANFA-- Brindled madtom

Anuratana Tejavej (
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 15:54:08 -0400

I'll have to look to see what I have left. I still have a few of the offspring we spawned two years ago. There may be a male in there. Usually males have a broader, flatter head. Especially as breeding season approaches. Brindled madtoms seem to be one of the few madtoms that's relatively easy to breed. Ours spawned quite a few times. Also, I think I sent some to Fritz Rohde.....he may still have some and might part with a male. He's down your way. In any case, I'll try to take a look at what I have tomorrow.

> From:
> Date: 2002/04/08 Mon AM 10:16:45 EDT
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- Brindled madtom
> I have a female brindled madtom that is almost bursting with eggs! I found
> her this morning when I turned over a hollow piece of wood in my 125. You can
> see the yellow orange eggs under the skin. I guess all those black worms I
> have been feeding is paying off! Unfortunately I don't have a male! Does
> anyone have a male they could part with? I sure would like to see them breed,
> doesn't the mail guard the eggs and the female leaves home after laying them?
> Moon
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