Re: NANFA-- Little Creek of Dreams
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 12:48:05 -0700 (PDT)
The water is so high here even with all the flood
gates open the water keeps on rising . Im collecting
in uphill areas I never thought of dipping a net at
and getting fish to boot . Doesn't take them long to
move up water to new areas . Interesting meeting you
had . Ive met some rich people and some "important"
people but its the characters my mind collects like
jewels .
--- Irate_Mormon <> wrote:
> I haven't done much posting about it, but while the
> weather has been nice I
> have been making several sampling trips to
> previously untried
> locations. It's temping to go back to spots where I
> know I can get nice
> fishes like welaka and such, but this year I wanted
> to spend a significant
> amount of time scouting out new sites. I was
> browsing Steve Ross' new book
> this morning and I found myself turning back to a
> picture of Little Sand
> Creek (if you have the book it's on page 127). I
> looked at my atlas and
> discovered that it was only an hour away via the
> Natchez Trace, and in the
> same direction I needed to take in order to drop off
> my wife's force dryer
> (repaired) at the grooming shop. I was worried
> about the water level since
> we had torrential rains yesterday, but when I got to
> the site my fears
> vanished. This is the fish collector's dream site:
> easy access, shallow
> with a firm substrate, next to a campground (my
> camping experience on the
> Okefenokee trip was so enjoyable I have resolved to
> camp whenever possible
> on my collecting trips), and full of neat fishes. I
> loaded up on
> Campostoma and redfin darters, and also found
> Notropis longirostris (common
> in MS), F. olivacous, and an unidentified minner
> (I'm working on it - It's
> NOT chrysocephalus).
> When I was packing up, a fellow on a bicycle stopped
> by my truck to find
> out if there were any grocery stores not too far
> down the road. I said no,
> and gave him a MRE I keep in my truck for
> emergencies. He said he had
> almost caught an armadillo but missed so he was
> without a meal! Turns out
> this fellow snacks on the creatures fairly
> regularly. Anyway, he was
> noticing my dipnet and became so entranced with it
> he insisted on buying
> it. I didn't want to sell it, but I relented
> because it was getting holes
> in the bag anyway, and he offered more than I paid
> for it. He also offered
> to give me a "Tilley Hat", which I examined with
> great interest. This is a
> really neat hat - kind of like the one I'm wearing
> in my photo on the NANFA
> site, but it has snaps to hold the sides up in nice
> weather, and a pocket
> in the top. Also, the fellow told me that the
> company would replace the
> hat for the life of the owner under any
> circumstances (e.g. dog chewed it
> to shreds). It's billed as "The World's Greatest
> Outdoor Hat" and I'm
> inclined to agree - I'm gonna have one! I didn't
> accept his generous offer
> because the hat was too small. He also had a really
> neat chair called a
> Sling-Lite or some such. Very light and VERY
> comfortable.
> All in all, a most enjoyable excursion :-)
> Prost,
> Martin
> Jackson, MS
> -------------------
> I can't stand cheap people. It makes me real mad
> when someone says
> something like, "Hey, when are you going to pay me
> that $100 you owe me?"
> or "Do you have that $50 you borrowed?" Man, quit
> being so cheap!
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Bill Hoppe
Yellville Arkansas
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