NANFA-- Blue barred pygmy sunfish
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 21:14:00 EDT

Did you ever have one of those lives? I have been babying a pair of blue
barred pygmy sunfish for a couple of months or so trying to get them to
spawn. I've feed them frozen blood worms, live black worms, and live daphnia
until they positively glowed with health but no spawn :-( So I got out the
old flash light to see if there were any fry swimming about. Only this time a
happened to have my glasses with me. Much to my surprise the side of the tank
were infested with hydra! Big ones! Hundreds! Maybe thousands! Some of the
biggest fattest hydra I think I have ever seen. Many of them are as fat as
number two pencil lead and 1/4" inch long. so much for any chance of spawning
those fish in that tank. I guess I was conditioning the hydra! Nothing a
little bit of bleach can't cure, I guess I should wear my glasses more often.

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