i cannot imagine letting a snake naw on me for 3 to 5 minutes. it MUST have
some type of toxin or poison in its saliva... kinda like a ( very mild )
coral snake ( they chew to inject venow ). he said he had no pain. i wonder
what his physical update is? i emailed him after reading it and will ask him
if he responds.
ken... if you really want to swing i hear fantasy week in key west is the
place to be. im staying in tennessee and snorkling. the most swinging i plan
on doing is watching old tarzan movies... filmed in krystal clear wakula
springs, florida. ( as was the creature from the black lagoon and his return
) ( we all misspell crystal Krystals in the south cause we crave them... know
why? )
bruce... i know i cant wear my bsa uniform... it was burnt, snake bit,
raveled and torn. if i wasnt such a fatty i maybe could stretch it on. i will
however bring my order of the arrow sash... which basically means i survived
3 days of no talking, lots of meaningless work and a 2 meals of dry corn
flakes... oh yea and severe intimidation by white guys dressed like indians.
oh yea... i want to put this "king of swish" thing away before fellas like
ken get the wrong idea...
swish has nothing to do with the sound my dress makes...
it is exclusively the technique ive refined in catching riffle minnows.
yall have a good weekend... myself... my cement pond has miraculously cleared
due to my most excellent filtration system and im gonna take a snorkle and
retrieve some of the toys the kids have thrown in.
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