Re: NANFA-- gar revisited
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 15:12:51 EDT
when bg first sent me the gar i scurried catching all kinds of little fry to
feed him. it was a lot of fun watching him stealth stalk prey... the way he
would wiggle his tail fin appendage like a cat's tail... detracting his prey.
even w/ NO blinking i could not see his lightning strike.
one day while feeding the the softshell turtle dried krill that shared his
tank i saw the gar eat one as well. from then on i fed him dried krill and
canned little shrimps.
yes... i will try the floating pellets!
last year the pool was kinda barren with just a few dozen potted plants. this
year with the entire shallow end planted i hope it will provide much more
refuge for the smaller fishes.
im still very hesitant to transfer him tho... i would much like to see what
kind of minnow diversity i can get established. i dont want to end up with no
fish and one massive gar im scarred to have to rodeo up.
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