NANFA-- The reason I never go on these sampling trips...

Christopher Scharpf (
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 22:25:05 -0400 because I'm too busy doing American Currents!

The Spring 2002 issue is at the printer and should mail early May. If you're
not a NANFA member, of if your membership recently expired, please send your
dues by the end of April to guarantee that you make the mailing. An
application is available here:

Here's the table of contents for this 40-page issue:

"Growth, Condition, and Color of Juvenile Bowfin in Medium-Sized Aquaria"
by Jan Jeffrey Hoover and Tyler Strange

"Audobon Shot Birds, I Keep Fish: Exploring the Naturalist-Aquarist
by Rob Denkhaus

"Captive Propagation of Two Pupfishes, Cyprinodon nevadensis armagosae and
Cyprinodon fontinalis"
by Ken McKeighen, Jr.

"Birthplace of the Eels: A Biological Detective Story"
by "Feeds With Eels" Scharpf

"Spawning of Three Nothonotus Darter Species"
by Ray Katula

"Feeding the North American Paddlefish, a Filter Feeder, in a Large,
Multi-Taxa Exhibit"
by Nick Zarlinga

"Why Keep Natives?"
by Robert Bock

NANFA Breeders Award Program Report: Spawning Blacknose Dace in a Backyard
Artificial Stream System

plus Riffles items on pallid sturgeon, Klamath suckers, blackside dace,
brook silversides, Atlantic and Pacific salmon...and more.

So get your application in now. Because once this issue mails, the few
remaining extra copies disappear faster than rosy reds in a gar tank!

Yr obt ed,

Christopher Scharpf
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