Re: NANFA-- Blackworms

Leo Arieux (
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 08:16:15 -0500 (CDT)

Moon :

I have been buying 1/2 lb of blackworms every month to 5 weeks from
Aquatic Foods Inc. in Fresno, Ca. and have found them "relatively" free
of leaches. I have not seen any flatworms at all. This is of prime
importance to me as I feed/breed a lot of killiefish. The next best
thing is the cost....15.20 delivery to my door for the 1/2 lb. This
beats the devil out of what I was paying at the LFS which charges 2.50
per 0z.and they are MUCH MUCH fresher.

I found this place from a gentleman on the AKA list and am very grateful
for his help. Hope this helps.


Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler'
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