NANFA-- FW: Fish samples for research

Jay DeLong (
Sat, 27 Apr 2002 13:22:12 -0700

Request from website visitor and list archive reader

-----Original Message-----
From: Agnès DETTAI
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 8:36 AM
Subject: Fish samples for research

Sir, Madam,

I work as a PhD student at the National Museum of Natural History of Paris,

Our study is about fish phylogeny at the interfamilial level, with a focus
on Acanthomorpha (this group includes all teleosts that have spines in both
dorsal and anal fin: 15 000 species and 329 families).

For this, I need samples from all families of acanthomorphs. We already
have 90 taxa (79 families) sequenced for 4 gene fragments, and more coming,
but there are strategical taxa I still couldn't get, among which
elassomatids and Percopsiformes.
Any species of these two groups would do (no need for samples of endangered
or threatened species), as my work is at the interfamilial level; of course
I would be very happy with representatives of several families, but one
Percopsidae and/or Aphredoridae and one Elassomatidae would be very nice
already. No fancy conservation method is necessary, 80% alcohol does
conserve DNA very well, as long as the fish was dropped in it shortly after
it's death. Informations about the fishes provenance would be good also.
Of course, the legal authorizations will be secured for exportation out of
the US, and importation in France.
Do you know where I would have any chance of finding this ? From what I
read on the NANFA web site, and the discussion list archives, these fishes
are not uncommon in aquaria. Is it fine if I post an ad on the forum, or do
I need to go through some federal agency (and which one)?

I thank you very much for your patience, and hope you'll be able to help me.

Agnès Dettai
PhD candidate
Service de Systématique Moléculaire
et Laboratoire d'Ichtyologie générale et appliquée
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
43 rue Cuvier
75005 Paris
tel : 33 1 40 79 37 51
fax : 33 1 40 79 38 44
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