Re: NANFA-- Okefenokee II - The Return (way long)

Rose Lawn Museum (
Mon, 07 Apr 2003 15:17:26 -0400

That's okay, Dude. I KNOW as soon as the water is "snorkelable" you'll be
right back out there!

Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA

At 03:12 PM 4/7/03 EDT, you wrote:
>im such a bad boy for missing it. shame on me... as usual i regret it. tho
>reading about the swarms of blood suckers it may have been better to retain
>my blood supply here at home.
>excellent job on getting permission to collect in the swamp proper.maybe
>time. ive got a pretty full schedule up til just after the huntsville meet.
>then its all summer!
>casper the horses hiney.

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