Re: NANFA-- easy identification??

Al G Eaton (
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 07:52:24 -0700 (PDT)

Yah I agree with the ID. The fish you have id'd as
stonerollers dont look like stonerollers to me
though....the mouth shape is wrong. Could you have
some immature bluehead chubs? Also, those creek chubs
will make short order of the guppies and any other
fish they can swallow. They can swallow surprisingly
large minnows in my experience. I once brought one
home with a few rainbow shiners. In the six hours it
took me to drive home, I lost half the rainbows to the

Blue head chubs make wonderful aquarium
fish...especially in a 75 gallon. I never had a
problem with them eating other fish or being


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