FISHBAIT includes crayfish or crabs, mussels, clams, and the nymphs, larvae
and pupae of all insects spending any part of their life cycle in the water.
SEASON, SIZE, LIMIT. No closed season (except as noted below) and no minimum
size. The daily limit and possession limit is 50 combined species. When
purchasing bait, be sure to obtain and keep the sales slip or receipt. The
receipt authorizes the possession of the fishbait or baitfish so purchased
for a period of 15 days after its date of issue. Fishbait or baitfish
purchased from a licensed dealer do not have a possession limit and do not
count toward your daily limit of fishbait and baitfish taken from
Commonwealth waterways. Approved trout waters are closed for taking fishbait
and baitfish from March 1 to the opening day of trout season. Most specially
regulated trout waters are closed to taking fishbait and baitfish at all
TAKING AND KEEPING BAIT is permitted using rod and reel or handline, dip net
or minnow seine not over 4 feet square or in diameter, or a minnow trap with
no more than two openings that shall not exceed 1 inch in diameter. All
devices must be under the immediate control of the person using them.
Unattended minnow traps or baitfish containers left in Commonwealth waters
must be identified with the owner's or user's name, address and telephone
number. If fishing in a group and the total number of fishbait or baitfish
taken from Commonwealth waters exceeds the possession limit (50), separate
containers must be provided for the fishbait and baitfish. Total possession
limit in any one container may not exceed 50 baitfish or fishbait combined.
These are the endangered species
Gravel Chub
Lake Sturgeon
Longhead Darter
Longnose Sucker
Northern Brook Lamprey
Shortnose Sturgeon
Spotted Darter
Tippecanoe Darter
These are the threatened species
Atlantic Sturgeon
Bluebreast Darter
Channel Darter
Eastern Sand Darter
Gilt Darter
Mountain Brook Lamprey
Mountain Madtom
Northern Madtom
Ohio Lamprey
for details.
Lee Harper
Media, PA
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