--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>Gorgeous indeed!
>I've obviously got more of them than I'll ever need. Since I doubt that
>I'll be able to attend the big meeting in Huntsville this year, would
>anyone like to take some of mine to the event? If you'd rather catch
>your own, I can certainly show you the spot.
>Huntsville..that reminds me..the Flame Chub from up around Huntsville
>and northward to Tennessee, H. flammea..is that the same fish once known
>as Luxilus cerasinus, or is that a separate species? Is there any chance
>of finding some of those during the trips scheduled at the meeting?
>F. grandis is the bull minnow? Okay. I know that fish, just never before
>by that name. You're right, Bruce, I don't think we have any of those
>this far north. They're plenty common in Ft.Walton, though, as are
>Pupfish, Bluefin killies, and Sailfin mollies. When I worked at the
>Gulfarium, we were up to our eyeballs in them. Heck, we used them as
>feeder fish. Those Pupfish ROCK, by the way..Blue & orange colors, very
>prolific spawners, and you'll scarcely find a better algae eater.
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