> Your right and I may not make it that thick but I will have to have a seem in
> the middle which will have to be covered and the best way to do that is to
> laminate three pieces of plywood together and put them seem in-between two
> other
> sheets.
Ok, so even if you used 1/2" plywood (actually 15/32") then it would be close to
1.5 inches thick. But you said you have two pieces of glass, so why can't you
use a vertical brace to join two pieces of plywood in the middle? You would
have a vertical brace in the middle of each of the long sides, and you could use
a top brace across them to tie the structure together. If you use two more top
braces equidistant between the middle and each end, then the whole affair could
be built with 3/4 inch plywood. Alternatively, you could fashion an inside rim
around the top of the tank with 2x4 or 2x6 lumber, which would add rigidity and
eliminate the two extra braces. You would want to fasten the SHORT side of the
2x (i.e. the 1.5 inch part) to the inside top rim. Not as elegant as your
solution, but a helluva lot cheaper.
Charter member, DNRC
Former Home Depot Certified Lighting Professional and all 'round fix it guy.
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