Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From: Alexander Priest
><)> Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 9:28 AM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: NANFA
><)> To Whom It May Concern:
><)> I am the editor of the magazine of the
><)> Greater City Aquarium Society
><)> of New York ("GCAS"). Our societybs magazine is
><)> the most highly awarded
><)> amateur aquarium society publication in the United
><)> States, and we exchange
><)> issues with societies all over the country (and
><)> with societies in Canada and
><)> Bermuda, as well).
><)> I am personally very interested in
><)> captive breeding of rare and
><)> endangered species, and I am devoting the next
><)> issue of my society's magazine
><)> to this topic. I am currently participating in the
><)> Species Maintenance Program
><)> ("SMP") of the International Anabantoid
><)> Association, and have received a
><)> writeup of their SMP from Marleen Janson. I also
><)> have a writeup of the SMP of
><)> the American Killifish Association's SMP from the
><)> head of their program,
><)> Charlie Nunziata. In addition, I have been in
><)> contact with Rit Forcier, the
><)> head of the American Livebearers Association and
><)> his SMP Chair, Tom Crane,
><)> Kevin Hosmer of the Australia New Guinea Fishes
><)> Association, and Stuart R
><)> Scott of the International Betta Copngress, and
><)> his SMP Chair, Harrison
><)> Storm.
><)> It is my hope that compiling this
><)> information all into one place
><)> will prompt other societies to reprint it, and
><)> thereby help get the word out
><)> about how ordinary hobbyists can get involved with
><)> captive breeding programs.
><)> I am also looking into including this on our
><)> societybs website as a
><)> permanent resource available to everyone.
><)> So, is it possible for you to provide me
><)> with a description of any
><)> captive breeding program of the North American
><)> Native Fishes Association,
><)> including what it is, what it is trying to do, the
><)> requirements for
><)> participating, and contact information, etc.?
><)> Thank you,
><)> Al Priest
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