To me, there 4 seasones in a year.....
Winter, spring, winter and winter.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gay" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 2:38 PM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- cleaning acrylic
> Hello
> Go to your local WAL-Mart / K-Mart and buy some of the pillow stuffing
> It's the same thing as filter floss and a heck of a lot cheaper
> Works well on all types of algae and does not scratch any thing
> Gay
> Alaska
> Land of Two Seasons
> Winter and Not Winter
> OR
> Dark and Not Dark (Light)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf
> Of
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 7:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- cleaning acrylic
> thanks for the good advice guys.
> i will check my grocery or dollar general store before ordering something
> mailorder. seems like they make a pure plastic round weave scrubby. just a
> curled
> up mess of fine tubular plastic strands. pure plastic... that should not
> scratch if i keep the grit out.
> i think i know what todd speaks of... but... They're kinda a "pad" but
> like holes and stuff.
> :)
> holes and stuff?
> i have a ton of filter floss and could try that easily.
> as for algae sticking to the acrylic... its all over and stringy trailing
> the overflow run. messy.
> the windowed pool faces south and im in for a endless battle, but if i can
> keep a pad handy it will be easy enough to keep clean.
> i agree about getting ANY grit or sand in a pad... even when cleaning
> it will scratch quick! a bunch of my old aquariums are scratched up down
> low.
> im much more careful now.
> thanks!
> casper
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