Re: NANFA-- some recomended fish to go along with...

Michael Sandel (
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 13:11:38 -0700 (PDT)

I've got a juvy flagfish with H. formosa, small swamp eels, banded dwarf sunfish, and a small crayfish. He is playing well with others. A friend of mine has had bad experiences with adults though, they were in a 75 with gouramis, corys, etc. I guess the tropicals became the object of the flagfish' aggression.
Perhaps the pair were trying to be romantic and wanted some privacy.
I would think most Fundulus would be suitable, since they are agile, and of good size. I personally won't keep the flagfish with any Elassomas. My pygmies only have to put up with H. formosa. :)

matt ashton <> wrote:
Ive always been interested in Flagfish long before I knew what a native was...

Ive been fish sitting while someone at work moves so I have a free tank in a week or two..

So along with the flagfish...any suggestions on tank mates such as Elassoma, Enneachanthus, Pirate Perch, Hogchokers, madtoms, and any Fundulus recommendations. Mix and match or anything of the sort.

Its a 55 long with about 4-6 inches of sand and a thin layer of flourite. Its planted mostly with Vallineseria some java fern and moss clumps, a few bunches of hornwort as well.
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