Re: NANFA-- Ohioans, BEWARE

Todd Crail (
Thu, 8 Apr 2004 14:51:41 -0700 (PDT)

All they'd be able to do is trace it back the hatchery at Xenia. And I really doubt there's any way anyone could make a commercial business out of selling saugeye. True, they're found in nearly every impoundment in Ohio now and are very aggressive feeders... But an awesome day means you and your buddy walk away legally with 12 fish. It'd be pretty hard to run a business on that amount of catch.

Wanna bet the next newsworthy incident at Hoover Res is some fishermen trying to get over the bouuy line so they can fish the backside of the dam? I know there's at least a couple guys going "108!!!!" :)

Did anyone else notice the picture of the stoneroller behind the office on the video clip? :)

John Bongiovanni <> wrote:
Yes if there was one, but it could not tie in the relationship between the fish and the men that caught them. That relationship appears to be circumstantial at this time.
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