Re: NANFA-- mudminnows spawn in pail

R. W. Wolff (
Fri, 9 Apr 2004 00:50:12 -0500

> I caught an eastern mudminnow today, Umbria pygmaea. In a ditch with soap
> suds in it. There is no figuring where anything will be.

Mudminnows are tougher than nails. They would be a lot better candidate for
mosquitoe control than dambusia. They actually get right up in where alot of
these larvae live. Things that look like a depression full of wet leaves.
Tiny ponds in the middle of the woods that either look like they dry up come
summer, or freeze solid even in a mild winter. ( How did they get their to
begin with???) Hot stagnant ditches, they hold on there as well. Being able
to breathe air is a big plus. As long as they stay damp, they will live. I
have found them alive in steaming hot mud in the July sun. The list is
endless. Fascinating fish to say the least.

Ray W.
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