Joshua L Wiegert wrote:
>This isn't an easy thing to compare... it would really depend on the
>procedures used in freezing or freeze drying, as well as any additives put
>in. That said, how do you compare "nutrition?" What do you mean by
>nutritous -- the most protein, the most fibre, the most fat, the least, the
>most vitamins? What's good for your pike is not going to be what's good for
>a white sucker.
>Your best bet would be to compare labels -- they have information on
>everything from vitamins to protein and fat in them.
>Freeze dried food is generally going to be lower in nutrition than frozen.
>My gut tells me bloodworms would be the most, daphnia the second, and brine
>shrimp the least. Adult brine shrimp are sort of the potato chip of the
>fish world -- anybody will eat them, they're easy to get, but not very good
>for you.
> ____^___
>Joshua L. Wiegert
>AIM UID: JoshuaWiegert ICQ UIN: 276060292
>Feel free to contact me by any of the above means for any reason.
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>The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joey S" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 4:42 PM
>Subject: NANFA-- Which frozen food is most nutritous
>>You usually see frozen or freeze dried foods in 3 varieties.
>>Brine Shrimp
>>Of these three, which is most nutritous? My first guess would be
>>then brineshrimp, and daphnia last.
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