Re: NANFA-- Which frozen food is most nutritous

John B (
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 17:57:38 -0500

Regarding brine shrimp, I concur with Josh. The newly hatched brine
shrimp are considered to be more nutritious due to there being some egg
yolk remaining with the nauplii. The problem with the young of course
is that most adult fish are not going to eat them, and are looking for
bigger "game".


Joshua L Wiegert wrote:

>This isn't an easy thing to compare... it would really depend on the
>procedures used in freezing or freeze drying, as well as any additives put
>in. That said, how do you compare "nutrition?" What do you mean by
>nutritous -- the most protein, the most fibre, the most fat, the least, the
>most vitamins? What's good for your pike is not going to be what's good for
>a white sucker.
>Your best bet would be to compare labels -- they have information on
>everything from vitamins to protein and fat in them.
>Freeze dried food is generally going to be lower in nutrition than frozen.
>My gut tells me bloodworms would be the most, daphnia the second, and brine
>shrimp the least. Adult brine shrimp are sort of the potato chip of the
>fish world -- anybody will eat them, they're easy to get, but not very good
>for you.
> ____^___
>Joshua L. Wiegert
>AIM UID: JoshuaWiegert ICQ UIN: 276060292
>Feel free to contact me by any of the above means for any reason.
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>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joey S" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 4:42 PM
>Subject: NANFA-- Which frozen food is most nutritous
>>You usually see frozen or freeze dried foods in 3 varieties.
>>Brine Shrimp
>>Of these three, which is most nutritous? My first guess would be
>>then brineshrimp, and daphnia last.
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