Re: NANFA-- Tank Stands
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 21:19:06 EDT
The advantage of the cinder block and 2x4 construction is that it is easily
dismantled and altered. The disadvantage is that the cinder blocks take up a
lot of valuable space. There are half cinder blocks available that can give you
27 inches if you combine an 18 inch with a 9 inch block, or you turn a full
one sideways. I have a stand for a single 100 gallon tank made from cinder
blocks and 2x4 s and I also have several other stands made for multiple tanks that
are made from just 2 x 4s. The 2 x 4s are not rigid enough to not deflect
under a constant load if the span is more than about 3 feet if they are flat, but
if they are vertically oriented they can span at least 6 feet without bending.
I prefer screws and bolts rather than nails to hold them together.
Lee Harper
Media, PA
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