Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From:
><)> On Behalf
><)> Of Todd Crail
><)> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:15 PM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Which frozen food is most nutritous
><)> I'll second on the PE Mysis.
><)> Guaranteed Analysis:
><)> Min Crude Protein 69.5%
><)> Min Crude Fat 9.35%
><)> Min Crude Fiber 2.75%
><)> Max Ash 5.5%
><)> I don't think you can even get those kinds of
><)> numbers out of most staple products. And this
><)> product is as clean as the Hikari frozen line is
><)> now, except that they haven't sacrificed meat for
><)> cleanliness. They're little steaks, and I kid you
><)> not. Maybe I should take pictures. This food
><)> takes a lot of the guess work out of darters and
><)> finicky fish, and knowledge of native fish as a
><)> whole will benefit from using this product.
><)> I had a trout-perch that was doing the usual
><)> wasting routine come back after beginning to use
><)> it. It's now robust and growing quickly. White
><)> and hog suckers both ate it on initial
><)> introduction. Greenside and banded darters were
><)> traditionally fish I would only watch waste into
><)> something far less than their former selves, but
><)> are now thick-backed, fiesty, getting ready to
><)> commence with the spawning rituals. The banded
><)> darters are seriously awesome! :)
><)> Basically, if you have picky fish, they aren't
><)> picky about this food. And you add a heckuva lot
><)> more protein and Omega 3 fa to their diet this way
><)> with MINIMAL "non consumables" that are found with
><)> other types of frozen food. So you get some real
><)> bang for the buck.
><)> If you don't have an LFS to sell this to you, you
><)> can always mail order it... But I'd try and talk
><)> them into ordering it for themselves. The local
><)> shop here had no knowledge of this product, I
><)> informed them so I could get it, and it's now one
><)> of their featured products along with names like
><)> Sera, Eheim and Ocenaic. And it's not that much
><)> more expensive than the regular stuff! :)
><)> Todd
><)> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Al G Eaton"
><)> <>
><)> To: <>
><)> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 6:52 AM
><)> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Which frozen food is most nutritous
><)> > my vote for most nutritious food is for frozen mysids
><)> > from piscine energetics....those guys are really high
><)> > in lipids and are a freshwater animal to boot. In a
><)> > small bbs size type frozen food, my vote goes to
><)> > cyclopeeze, a brackish copepod from northern canada
><)> > that is bright red.
><)> >
><)> > Klaus
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