NANFA-- I think I've been gone too long
Mysteryman (
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 13:51:22 -0700
I got home last night after a month of traipsing about the continent, as
I tend to do. This morning I made my rounds to feed the fish, and I
noticed something odd about one of my Pteronotropis tanks. On further
investigation, I found that the outside box filter was overgrown with
lush, green plants. NOT algae, but moss and vascular plants.
Yep, my filter has one of the prettiest clumps of some sort of very
attractive moss hanging out of it in every direction, and growing in the
cracks are several small, dwarfed versions of what is probably
Hygrophilia, growing emersed. It's a weird sight. On the one hand, this
is probably a sign that the filter REALLY needs changing, but on the
other hand, I don't want to wreck this nifty little garden.
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