Re: NANFA-- Minnow trap bait

Bob Bock (
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 20:34:47 -0400

Is that hard salami or cooked salami?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Minnow trap bait

> I've always found salami to be a great bait. I haven't used it to catch
madtoms, mainly because there aren't good madtom populations around here, or
where they are, I'm not going to leave a trap. But I could get a trap
stuffed with fish, with a couple turtles trying to roll it around with the
salami, pretty much every time :) Darters, sunfish, minnows... They'd all
be there.
> It stays oily and unsaturated for a long period and I think sends off a
fantastic chemical gradient. I would put it in a nylon bag, tied to the
inside of the trap so it wouldn't get pulled out.
> I also have tried this with beef liver, but it gets saturated too fast.
The salami would always outperform it.
> Todd
> wrote:
> I have been trying to catch some madtoms in a minnow trap but with no luck
> all. What is the best trap bait for madtoms and other small catfish? I set
> trap where I know there are madtoms but I get nothing at all except maybe
> crayfish or a shrimp.
> Moon
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