In my experience, you have to first spot an ares where the minnows congregate.
Then you drop the trap. If you place it at random you won't get any fish.
> In a message dated 4/21/04 9:42:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > I use dry dog or cat chow. You can wrap it in something that will keep
> the
> > bait together as well as get the smell of the bait to the fish. I Place
> the
> > bait in disposable paper coffee filters and tie it closed with string or
> a
> > rubber band. It's pretty sturdy but also environmentally friendly.
> >
> > David
> That's what I have been using and nada fish at all. Maybe I'm using the wrong
> kind.
> Moon
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Charter member, DNRC
"Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; if it dies there, no constitution,
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