Re: NANFA-- RE: Fingernail clams vs. Corbicula
Todd Crail (
Fri, 23 Apr 2004 11:56:40 -0700 (PDT)
Steve... Is there any difference in the arrangement of the teeth or even just how the hinge join lines up? The teeth in these both looked the same, one with a smooth periostracum, and then the downstream ones, with the typical large ridges on what I'm sure were Corbicula.
What I need to do is quit farting around and just take the danged things home (abandoned valves) without guilt and learn. I have 30 ways to rationalize this... Maybe I just need to put them down on paper and get a reference and get the stupid permit. <sigh>
BG thanks for the response. I'll be meeting up with JT next week at the Tippecanoe trip, and hope to "download" a bunch of his mussel knowledge. I think since I'll be making "fish" my profession here soon, I'll take up mussels as my "hobby" :)
Todd wrote:
The periostracum on Corbicula is ridged (like elevated "growth rings") vs.
smooth on fingernail clams (family Sphaeriidae).
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