The bottomlands are gone now and a warm water fishery has taken their place.
Standard fare - Bass, bluegill, pumpkinseed, pike, Crappie, Yellow Perch.
Walleye, Bullheads , Channel Cats Flathead Catfish and in the shallows bluntnosed
minnows are sometimes found in great schools. You can sometimes catch big Golden
Shiners almost a foot long.
Upper Greenlick near the headwaters I haven't been to in years. I talked to a guy
who lives up on the mountain by it and he says it's quite a nice trout stream.
Hasn't been stocked for many years since they drew down the big resivore and the
trout hatchery went out of business. But he says there are reproducing
populations of the native brook and rainbow and brown.
Mike & I will have to go up there sometime this summer.
The forests up there are pretty old and there are also good opportunities for
herping. Everything from Red Salamanders to box turtles and copperheads!
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