NANFA-- Fw: AES Splash 08-08-01

B.G. Granier (
Thu, 9 Aug 2001 15:53:13 -0500

Now for a word from one of our sponsors!
----- Original Message -----
From: Aquatic Eco-Systems <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:18 AM
Subject: AES Splash 08-08-01

A Publication for Aquatic Eco-Systems Customers
Volume I, Issue 11

Welcome to the eleventh edition of Splash. We hope to keep this newsletter
both informative and entertaining, so your comments and suggestions are
always welcome. We also accept contributions - please send them to us at


Tech Talk

Blowers - Buying and Operating Tips

Electricity is a major concern when equipment is operating continuously.
Don't be fooled by low horsepower ratings on electrical equipment. Always
compare work being done to power consumed in watts. See specifications for
running watts.

Many other blowers advertise performance specifications superior to the
SweetwaterŽ line. Their gimmick is to use an undersized motor with a high
service factor to imply superior performance. A high service factor motor
allows operation in a temporary overload condition, but is not intended for
continuous duty. High service factor motors use more electricity, operate
at a higher temperature, and have a shorter life than larger 1.0 service
factor motors like those used on Sweetwater units doing the same work.

Here are some blower operating tips:

Bleed off as much excess air as possible while still saving as much air as
needed. The blower will run cooler and use less power.

If the air is so dirty that the air filter requires frequent cleaning, try
pulling a sock over the filter. Then change the socks regularly.

Watts cannot be measured without a wattmeter - BUT watt consumption can be
estimated with these formulas:
Single phase watts: volts x amps x pf
Three phase watts: volts x amps x pf x 1.73.

Where pf is the power factor, the pf of a fully loaded electric motor is
about 0.9, but this goes down significantly with a partially loaded motor.

Energy Savings

In these days of high-energy costs all across the country, people are
utilizing all of the standard energy-saving tips (properly fitting windows,
weather-stripping, insulation, etc.). Our resident "energy miser" offers
the following tips.

1. Insulate the pipes on top of your water heater. If these pipes are warm,
heat is being lost and the heater must turn on to replace it. This is
especially costly if the water heater is located in an air-conditioned

2. Turn down both the upper and lower thermostats on your water heater to
125 (top) and 120 (bottom). Note: You will need flat and Phillips
screwdrivers. There is no value in putting a timer on the heater, but when
leaving for an extended time, throw off the breaker for the heater, the
stove, and your garage door. Also, turn off both hot and cold valves to
your washing machine.

3. Windows that the sun shines through should have awnings, Bahama shutters,
reflective film, or they should be replaced with Southern Low-E glass.

4. Wherever possible, plant one or more trees to shade your house.

5. Lights that are on for several hours a day or more should have
energy-efficient bulbs.

6. During air conditioning season, run ceiling fans only when someone is in
the room. Fans only cool things that are warmer than the room air, like
your body and the ceiling.

7. Cooking adds a lot of heat. Always turn off the stove and oven several
minutes before removing the food. Boiling water in a pot is 212 degrees;
five minutes after the heat is turned off, it is still 200 degrees. The
12-degree difference means nothing to the food, but will save five minutes
of burner time (that also saves air conditioning time). Also, pour used hot
water down the sink ASAP and cool the sink with cold tap water. This also
removes a lot of heat from air-conditioned space.

8. Don't take long, hot showers. Use a water-saver nozzle (AES Part No.
FS12 on page 46 of our 2001 catalog costs only $8.25) on your showerhead.


Visit our free Classified Ad section to check the wide variety of notices
our readers send us. Send your ad to
for inclusion in our next issue.


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- Used all over Southeast Asia in hatcheries and farms
- Rigid, durable and easy to clean
- Instant system by adding a filtration module.

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Use code 58745 upon checkout
Offer expires 9/05/01
One coupon per customer


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