Re: NANFA-- Redside Dace

Al G Eaton (
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 18:36:11 -0700 (PDT)

Treat them with triple sulfa or furan-2. Either one
will stop the loss of finnage due to bacteria.
without treatment you will probably lose them. When I
bring in fish from the wild I dont wait anymore for a
problem to show up, I give the fish a two day
treatment of triple sulfa.


--- Wade Hedgren <> wrote:
> I am having a problem with the redside dace that I
> took from the saturday
> afternoon trip... It seems that the tailfins are
> deteriorating at the ends
> and working their way inward. Other species are
> doing fine. Any
> suggestions?
> Also, for those of you who put salt in your
> tank(s)... how much per gallon?
> (sorry to reopen that one)...
> Wade
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