Re: NANFA-- custom mixing fishfood

Fully Prepared (
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 18:14:05 -0700 (PDT)

--- wrote:
> i was making a batch of fish food for the cement
> pond residents using a bunch
> of old fish food, small sample packets, dried
> tubiflex worms, and odd
> leftovers. i then added some liquid vitamins and a
> packet of jello to congeal
> the resulting gloope. i mixed all this and froze it
> in some small icecube
> trays... so i could pop out a cube or 2 to toss in
> the pond daily.
> but it sinks!
> what could i add to it to make it float?
> cooked rice?
> puffed wheat?
> casper
I think you could add carrots or peas. They are sweet
anyway and fish like them. Your fish do not like to
eat off the bottom?

Boo Radley, Saraland, Alabama

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