Join the Baltimore-Washington NANFA region for an easy stream hike in Paint
Branch Creek, one of the cleaner suburban streams in the Washington D.C.
area. The creek hosts a surprisingly diverse array of native fish
species, including the cutlips minnow, eastern brook lamprey, satinfin
shiner, and miscellaneous lepomis sunfish.
Where: Paint Branch Creek
University of Maryland Campus
College Park, Maryland
When: Sunday, August 18, 2001
11: am
Directions: Take Route 495 (The Capitol Beltway) to Route 1 South, College
Park. Drive South for approximately ½ mile, until you reach Route 193,
University Boulevard. Make a right onto 193 (West), and after about a half
mile, you will make a left on to the University of Maryland Campus at Paint
Branch Drive. Proceed on Paint Branch Drive, until you see the parking lots
on your left. Make a left into parking lot 11A, opposite the Comcast
Center. Drive to the back of the lot, where we'll meet at the concrete
barrier and the blue pylon.
Waders are advised; however, I've done this hike before with shorts and old
sneakers. When wading in any stream, however, it's always a good idea to
shower promptly after returning from the trip.
Members of local clubs, NANFA members' friends, spouses, significant others,
and children attended by parents or gaurdians are also welcome to attend as
guests. This is a reasonably shallow and safe stretch of the creek, but
wading in any natural body of water poses potential hazards. Because of
this, the NANFA lawyers have advised us to post the following disclaimer:
DISCLAIMER: The North American Native Fishes Association, it's officers,
board members and general membership shall assume liability for any
accidental loss of property, injury, or death during this activity.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Bob Bock at
Links to images of:
Cutlips minnow:
Satinfin shiner:
Lepomis gibbosus (pumpkinseed sunfish)
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