Correction: NANFA-- DC area NANFA Field Trip August 18

Bob Bock (
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 09:54:52 -0400

Excuse me. I guess I'm not a morning person.

A typographical error in the disclaimer:

DISCLAIMER: The North American Native Fishes Association, it's officers,
board members and general membership shall assume _no_ liability for any
accidental loss of property, injury, or death during this activity.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Bock" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 9:30 AM
Subject: NANFA-- DC area NANFA Field Trip August 18

> NANFA Field Trip to Paint Branch Creek
> Join the Baltimore-Washington NANFA region for an easy stream hike in
> Branch Creek, one of the cleaner suburban streams in the Washington D.C.
> area. The creek hosts a surprisingly diverse array of native fish
> species, including the cutlips minnow, eastern brook lamprey, satinfin
> shiner, and miscellaneous lepomis sunfish.
> Where: Paint Branch Creek
> University of Maryland Campus
> College Park, Maryland
> When: Sunday, August 18, 2001
> 11: am
> Directions: Take Route 495 (The Capitol Beltway) to Route 1 South, College
> Park. Drive South for approximately ½ mile, until you reach Route 193,
> University Boulevard. Make a right onto 193 (West), and after about a
> mile, you will make a left on to the University of Maryland Campus at
> Branch Drive. Proceed on Paint Branch Drive, until you see the parking
> on your left. Make a left into parking lot 11A, opposite the Comcast
> Center. Drive to the back of the lot, where we'll meet at the concrete
> barrier and the blue pylon.
> Waders are advised; however, I've done this hike before with shorts and
> sneakers. When wading in any stream, however, it's always a good idea to
> shower promptly after returning from the trip.
> Members of local clubs, NANFA members' friends, spouses, significant
> and children attended by parents or gaurdians are also welcome to attend
> guests. This is a reasonably shallow and safe stretch of the creek, but
> wading in any natural body of water poses potential hazards. Because of
> this, the NANFA lawyers have advised us to post the following disclaimer:
> DISCLAIMER: The North American Native Fishes Association, it's officers,
> board members and general membership shall assume liability for any
> accidental loss of property, injury, or death during this activity.
> If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Bob Bock at
> Links to images of:
> Cutlips minnow:
> Satinfin shiner:
> Lepomis gibbosus (pumpkinseed sunfish)

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