And if anyone has no idea what's the big attraction to eating caviar,
I guess my best suggestion would be to spend the $40+ it costs to try
just an ounce of the stuff. It's not for nothing that when some filthy
rich traveler (or lucky corporate exec) crosses the Atlantic on the
Concorde SST among the first things served is a serving of fine
caviar with all the fixings (chopped hard boiled egg, chopped onion,
capers, and or course ice cold Russian vodka). Take my word for
it, fine caviar is fine fare indeed.
And no, I'm not ignoring the threat to the various sturgeon species,
just trying to shed a bit of light on what's behind the controversy.
Caviar is Big Business, globally.
Bob Sinclair
Santa Barbara CA
* * * * *
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 19:41:19 -0400
From: "Bob Bock" <>
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Beluga Sturgeon
I tried fried carp roe once as a kid. I wasn't crazy about 'em. Reminded
me of boiled corn meal.
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "R. W. Wolff" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Beluga Sturgeon
> Actually panfish eggs are very good. When caught in the winter
>you keep the eggs out of the fish you fillet, bluegill, sunfish, crappie
>and perch and fry them in a pan. Tastes like egg flavored grits is the
>best I can describe it. Fried with bacon grease and chicken eggs can't
>beat them. What upsets me about the caviar trade, at least in bowfin
>eggs, the fish is left for waste, when all that flesh could be eaten as well.
>I am not sure if sturgeon are wasted in the same manner, but if they are,
>Iron Eyes Cody would shed a real tear , rather than a glycerine tear, over
>that waste.
> > What I would like to what's the big attraction to eating
> > caviar???.. Why not eat bluegill eggs
> Ray
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