Re: NANFA-- Beluga Sturgeon

Bruce Stallsmith (
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 11:24:39 -0400

That's part of the problem. But an even bigger problem (probably) is that
the juvenile fish may not be able to grow to reproductive maturity as the
result of a damaged ecology. I don't know the whole story on this, probably
no one does. But the Caspian is a seriously altered body of water because of
human activities, and its tributary rivers are in even worse shape.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: "Robert Carillio" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- Beluga Sturgeon
>Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 22:19:28 -0500
>It's only because the adults are long-lived that any
> > of these fish remain, apparently...
>So with this in mind, Bruce, wouldn't it be safe to guess that caviar
>consumption can drive this fish to extinction?
>Rob C.
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