Re: NANFA-- Collecting in Southern OH, 8/17/02 (long)

Rose Lawn Museum (
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 16:31:18 -0400

Sorry! in the 2nd paragraph that should be Zarlinga, not Zarlings.

Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA

At 04:27 PM 8/21/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi All
>On 8/17/02 I had the pleasure of spending an excellent time collecting with
>some of NANFA's best in Southern Ohio. On rather short notice, Mark Binkley
>put together a very interesting itinerary that included parts of the Mad
>River and Little Darby Creek. I very much enjoyed the '01 NANFA Convention
>in OH, and I was eager to see more of the waters in that part of the state.
>My daughter in Dayton, OH, flew me up for the weekend. She was well aware
>of my fish addiction, and provided me with a vehicle to go and meet with
>Binkley & Co. on what turned out to be a very pleasant Saturday.
>The day dawned with an overcast sky, threatening rain that never really
>developed. The sun did break through at times, but gray clouds pretty much
>had their way. Air temperature was in the 70s with a slight breeze. It was
>also Woodstock weekend, so magic was in the air. Ten of us, including Mark
>Binkley (Wooster, OH), Nick Zarlings (Cleveland, OH), Kathy Duffey
>(Cleveland, OH), first time collector Eric Massengill (Toledo, OH), Geoff &
>Julie Kimber with their three boys Daniel, Noah, & Samuel (Lexington, KY),
>and I assembled at the Mad River.
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