Re: NANFA-- American currents

Christopher Scharpf (
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 06:45:44 -0400

> Has anyone ever thought about selling American Currents In book stores and
> news stands the way "Freshwater and Marine Aquarium" or "Tropical Fish
> Hobbyist" is? You guys do such a good job if we all pitched in with the
> occasional article it just might work. A magazine about North American
> Natives just might be the right thing in the right place at the right time!
> With all the publicity about snakeheads, exotics and natives in recent months
> people just might be ready to start thinking and reading about native fish.
> NANFA could make money off the advertising and NANFA's message could be read
> by a much larger audience. Personally I think Native fish keeping is an idea
> whose time has come and is just waiting for the right trigger.

Thanks for the idea, Moon. Yes, we've thought about it, but the native
fishkeeping hobby is still too small and specialized to attract a large
audience, or at least large enough to interest magazine distributors and

Also, American Currents is not really a magazine, but an internal club
organ. In addition to feature articles, it contains club news and other
items that are basically for NANFA members only.

Instead of seeking new members through bookstores, I would be pleased as
punch if the non-members on this list -- and there are dozens of them --
joined the sponsoring organization. In fact, let me ask you personally:

You're interested enough in natives to be on this list, where you
occasionally see messages from people raving about NANFA conventions, and
praising American Currents, and getting together for collecting trips. So
what's keeping you from joining? Please tell me. There aren't that many
native fish enthusiasts out there, so I'm curious as to what you think.

Thanks muchly,

Chris Scharpf
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