Why not do a little advertising and get a list of people who would also
want a shovelnose? (Aquarium stores could also be included as potential
buyers) Advertise in American Currents and use word of mouth.
A gross is a lot of fish, a lot of hassle, and a lot of work to get them
all shipped, but it's worth a try. To start your list, you could put me
down for a couple.
On the other hand, have you ever asked any of the local pet shops if they
could order you some?
Travis Haas
Hazel Green, WI
At 11:45 AM 8/22/02 EDT, Moon wrote:
>I can get shovelnose from the same people who sell the white sturgeon but
>they will only sell both in lots of 12 dozen. I don't need 144 sturgeon at
>each. I just want 7 or 8 to keep in a large aquarium.
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