RE: NANFA-- Want a really scary scenario?

Denkhaus, Robert (
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:47:01 -0500

Don't worry Chip. I called Strom Thurmond and told him that one of his
constituents was having problems with the USPS. Sen. Thurmond said that he
would rush right over with it.

Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

> Rumor has it that your wife intercepted it, but she's not
> gonna' give it to
> you until you finish those projects around the house.
> Steven A. Ellis
> Kennesaw, GA
> At 01:07 PM 8/23/02 -0400, you wrote:
> >P.S. My AC still hasn't arrived. All further discussion
> about them will
> >be banned until it arrives :-)
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