To get to Pennyfield lock, heading west from Laurel, you'd take the exit for
River Road North. Pennyfield Lock is North of Swain's lock and South of
Violette's lock. (The name of the street you'd have to turn left on escapes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wally Billingham" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Potomac Fishin' Trip
> Thanks for sharing Bob,
> I am trying to picture where this is at is it in the National Park? I grew
> up in Laurel and used to fish in the Canal quite a bit. It used to have
> VERY large bass (by MD standards) in it. The trick was to work Rapala's in
> the little waterfalls that would form between the locks. I once got a 27"
> largemouth there that would have easily gone 7-8 lbs. I released it so if
> its still alive 8 years later it would be a state record :-)
> I also remember the longears that were in there, as well as all the other
> sunnies. There were some huge bluegills in there as well that I would
> on my rapala's. When I get to go back home next spring we will have to go
> collecting.
> Wally
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bob Bock <>
> To: <>
> Cc: PVAS <>; <PotomacAquaria at>
> Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 9:37 AM
> Subject: NANFA-- Potomac Fishin' Trip
> > Hi, all. On Wednesday, my sons and I went on an old fashioned fishin'
> trip
> > to the Potomac River, in the C&O Canal Historical Park across from Old
> > Angler's Inn. The river was lower than I'd ever seen it, and the boat
> lauch
> > was at least 4 feet above water.
> >
> > We fished with worms and small hooks and came up with several redbreast
> > sunfish, native to the area. [See photo on Andrew DeWoody's web page,
> >]
> >
> > We also caught another native, the pumpkinseed sunfish, as well as the
> > introduced bluegill and longear sunfish. The latter, native to the
> central
> > U.S., was one of the most exquisite specimens I had ever seen, and the
> > furthest south in the river that I had ever found one. (They're
> > particularly numerous in the C&O Canal at Pennyfield Lock.)
> >
> > The specimen I caught was every bit as exquisite as the photo Garold
> Sneegas
> > donated to the NANFA website:
> >
> >
> > If people are interested, I'll be glad to lead an old fashioned fishin'
> > trip/photo session back to the river, to photograph these beautiful,
> > irridescent creatures. They also are one of the more aquarium
> > lepomis species, reaching only about 5 inches in length and are no more
> > nasty (and no less) than a comparable size cichlid.
> --
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