It appears that Dupla is accelerating the reaction by fermenting the
straw. Is this how you read it?
The straw "can" control algae in two ways, acting as an allelopath
(inhibiting growth via release of algacidal agents; H2O2) or as the
decomposition products (lignins or DOCs) bind the free iron. If the
bound Fe winds up in the substrate then it is likely that the higher
plants can utilize the Fe.
Joshua L Wiegert wrote:
>John --
>It wont' work.
>The way it works is this:
>WHen sunlight hits the barley, it begins to break down due to a certain
>kind of bacteria. It produces minute quantities of H2O2 -- peroxide.
>This kills of algae. I'm not sure how the "extracts" work, or if they do.
>But, I assume they simply break down into peroxide as well.
>So, the short skinny is: If it doesn't get sunlight (artifical light
>doesn't work) it doesn't work. Thats why people who hide it under
>waterfalls, etc., dont' have any success. Peat moss does the same thing,
>but when used to soften water in aquarium, has no affect on aglae.
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