The moral of the story is that relocating animals tends to result in either:
1) a dead animal or 2) a relocation of the problem along with the animal.
So the best thing to do is just kill all the little buggers because removing
their habitat is no better than removing them from their habitat. Either way
they are going to die a slow death by starvation. Of course I guess you could
bring in raccoon predators to eat the raccoons but then you'd have to bring
in predators for them too. You could just short circuit the whole thing and
kill and eat the raccoons when you catch them! Have a raccoon barbecue every
night until they are gone. Hmmm I can just see it now, pig cookers everywhere
with tantalizing smoke coming out of the smoke stacks. You could sell the fur
charge admission to the 'coon barbecue and make a profit!
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