Re: NANFA-- hummingbirds
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 14:31:43 -0700 (PDT)
Ray have you ever seen -I think they are called--hawk
moths ? Anyhow one year in Wisconsin I thought I was
more delusional than normal because I was seeing itsy
bitsy humming birds on my flowers . They come out
before the sun goes down and they hover , go backwords
,have a long snout and generaly look like little
hummingbirds to me .
--- "R. W. Wolff" <> wrote:
> This has probably been going on all year, but I just
> noticed how much today.
> I was out working on the edge of the addition to the
> gar river pond and seen
> a hummingbird, then another. Several shoreline
> plants attract them. Of
> course the favorite was cardinal flower, but wild
> hibiscus was another. Not
> only do the ponds attract a large number of
> songbirds and other avians, the
> hummingbirds come to the flowers as well. These
> shoreline plants may attract
> them better than those hidden on trellaces or in
> thick flower beds. It is
> easier for them to defend their feeding station,
> which they did quite well ,
> against other hungry hummers.
> Ray
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Bill Hoppe
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